Give your customers the gift of a seamless payment method whilst also ensuring that your enterprise has a handle and clear sight of the cash flow.
What your business gains
- No transaction fees applicable to the business
- Access to well-documented transaction history that will provide your business with the ideal edge to access formal financial services to help foster growth.
- The ability to manage cash flow as money is stored safely and securely in a mobile money wallet.
- Gets to recover money from customers much faster, by affording them the ability to make payments remotely, resulting in increased sales and reduced credit exposure
- Receive payments hassle-free; no need to fret about small change
- Your business will also gain actionable customer data, such as;
- how frequently do they shop at your business
- how much they spend
- customer’s mobile numbers
- This information can be used to target customers based on their shopping behavior which improves customer service and to communicate with them directly, e.g. via SMS