Enjoy the benefits of a cost-effective way to reach your customers and gain new leads with MTN Enterprise Bulk SMS. From offering great tailored customer services and customizable campaigns, living at the edge of tomorrow is only one sign-up away.


What is Enterprise Bulk SMS?

  • Bulk SMS is sending a large number of SMS messages to the mobile phones of a predetermined group of recipients.
  • SMS can be from Application to Person (A2P) and Person to Application(P2A). You may choose one or both on the same configuration.
  • You have access to 3 types of A2P Bulk SMS
    Integrated via SMPP
    Portal based
    Once-Off requests
  • For P2A, these can be on a flat rate or on a revenue share basis.
  • Can be used by large-scale businesses, small enterprises, educational institutions, etc., to reach a large number of people at a given time.
  • The Bulk SMS can have a short code mapped to it.
  • Charges based on bundle chosen.
  • MTN does not share a database to send to, you will need to have your own.


Integrated via SMPP Account: Setup Process


  • The client is allowed to connect (bind) to MTN’s SMSC from their system through an SMPP account
  • The connection between the SMSC and the client’s system is through the use of a VPN
  • Once the user has an established bind with our SMSC they can send SMSs to MTN’s customers
  • A client can send their own SMSs to their own database.


Portal Based: Setup Process

  • It is a messaging platform that connects with our SMSC and allows clients to send SMSs to their database
  • Only needs an internet connection to operate
  • Account login credentials to the portal are received from MTN upon activation of the service.
  • A client can send their own SMSs to their own database at their own time
  • For pricing, refer below


Once-off requests: Setup Process

  • A customer can through our Service Centre’s or Key Account Manager opt to send SMSes as and when required
  • Customer pays at Service Centre or is billed and informs MTN what sender name must appear when the SMS is sent
  • Customer furnishes MTN with the message to be sent and sender name

Cost: Application to Person (A2P)

Installation Fees (SZL) 2299.00
Monthly Fees
Once Off (SZL) Portal (SZL) Integrated (SZL)
0.00 115.00 1500.00
Bundle Size Subscription Out Of Bundle Rate
1- 999 250.00 0.30
1,000 – 4,999 1000.00 0.30
5,000 to 9,999 2000.00 0.28
10,000 to 14,999 2500.00 0.26
15,000 to 29,999 3990.00 0.23
30,000 to 59,999 6990.00 0.21
60,000 to 89,999 9890.00 0.19
90,000 to 119,999 12690.00 0.18
120,000 to 159,999 15390.00 0.17
160,000 to 189,999 17990.00 0.16
190,000 to 219,999 20490.00 0.15
220,000 to 249,999 22890.00 0.14
250,000 to 279,999 25190.00 0.13
280,000 to 309,999 27390.00 0.11
310,000 to 339,999 29490.00 0.10
340,000 to 449,999 31490.00 0.09
>= 450,000 33390.00 0.07


Cost: Person to Application (P2A)

Comes with the option of a flat rate or revenue share

Setup Fee 2299.00
Monthly Fee 1500.00
No Rev share charge 0.3/SMS
Premium Charges
Charge sharable Amount MTN Revenue Share 3rd Party Revenue Share MTN Revenue Share in %
1.70 1.62 0.86 0.76 53%
2.85 2.71 1.35 1.35 50%
3.50 3.33 1.44 1.89 43%
4.00 3.80 1.47 2.33 39%
4.60 4.37 1.53 2.84 35%
5.20 4.94 1.59 3.35 32%
5.70 5.42 1.62 3.79 30%
7.00 6.65 1.78 4.87 27%
8.00 7.60 1.85 5.75 24%
9.00 8.55 1.92 6.63 23%
10.30 9.79 2.06 7.72 21%
11.50 10.93 2.19 8.74 20%
12.60 11.97 2.29 9.68 19%
13.70 13.02 2.38 10.63 18%
15.00 14.25 2.52 11.73 18%
16.00 15.20 2.60 12.60 17%
17.10 16.25 2.71 13.53 17%



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