MTN Eswatini introduces its new brand positioning that embodies MTN’s image as an innovative brand. What Are We Doing Today? This is simple human language that depicts that every day is full of potential.

What Are:

We – we as MTN customers | MTN employees providing customer service

Doing – showing active progress

Today – by putting energy into action because each day is a new opportunity for progress

This positioning is a thought starter on action oriented decisions that MTN customers take each day of their lives while making things happen. Every day, we take actions to show active progress, as customers, as employees, as the youth, as business owners, etc.

What are we doing today when it comes to:

  • A connected life (data & voice)
  • Connectivity (network)
  • Support (customer service)
  • Payments and transfer (MoMo)

With this positioning, we want to touch on people’s personal experiences with the brand and at the different touch points where people interact with us. We want to encourage and ensure Emaswati that MTN is your success partner in every aspect of your life. How is MTN Eswatini enabling you while you DO what needs to be DONE?


Doing gets things done              Doing doesn’t keep business hours        Doing delivers               When opportunity calls, Doing answers Doing rolls up its sleeves and gets down to business                     Doing turns ABCs into PHDs                   Doing makes a plan                   Doing loves a challenge                         Doing finds the time      Doing gets up earlier     Doing stays up later                  Doing doesn’t procrastinate                  Doing never stops with unlimited data              Data in the cloud saves money on the ground    Doing’s never too old to learn new tricks


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